Woman reading on bed

How to find the right student accommodation for you

This is it. Life is good. You’re going to uni. Is it going to be the party paradise of on-campus halls, or a flat-share right in the middle of town? Maybe the cost of rent will decide, what supports on hand, or whether there’s a bus stop nearby. There’s lots to consider, so let’s break it down and make the decision easier.

The countdown begins – 5 things you need to do right now

As you get even closer to leaving for uni, you’ll probably have some last-minute loose ends to take care of. For now though, sorting out these essentials should set you up nicely for a good move.
student supportt

How to make sure you have plenty of support at uni

Are you wondering about how to support a student who’s moving into uni accommodation? Here are some ways you can help them feel more secure while they’re making the big move.

Accommodation for disabled students or those with individual needs

If you’re a disabled student or have different learning needs, and are thinking about your university accommodation options, there are a few things you’ll want to consider. ​​​​​​​In this guide, we look at the different housing choices for students with disabilities, arranging for adjustments where necessary, and the funding options available to you.

Why you need to check out accommodation when making your choices

Going to university can be a really exciting time. When you make the move, living somewhere new can be one of the best things about your uni experience – so choosing the right kind of place will set you up nicely.
Cleaning student accommodation

Tips for cleaning your student accommodation

Whether you’re thinking ‘how can I make my room look nice?’ or you’re worried about living somewhere messy or unclean – here are some tips for making student cleaning easy.

How to make your new home feel like home

If you’re thinking about how to decorate your uni room or what you might want to get to make your house a home, here are some tips.

Nabbing the best uni accommodation for you

For a lot of students, where they live can be as important as the course they chose in the first place. Your accommodation will partly shape your uni experience, so it’s worth making sure you get the kind of place you’d like the most.
Shared kitchens and bathrooms

What to expect from shared kitchens and bathrooms

If you’ve never shared a kitchen or bathroom with a bunch of strangers, your first year of studenthood could be an eye-opener. Here are some ground rules.

Is student accommodation first come first serve?

Universities and colleges usually have a wide range of accommodation options. In most cases it’s worth applying for a place to live as soon as you can. There’s a lot on offer – and most students are able to live in one of their preferred kinds of accommodation.